February 1, 2022


 Happy February, friends!  I know it's been awhile since I've "blogged", but I'm back, baby! Given the ever changing algorithm's on social media platforms, I want you all to have a place to go where you know you won't miss any of my content...plus I miss writing! I always enjoyed sharing my thoughts over here, and it is something I intend to do going forward.  I feel like blogging is making it's comeback, and since I love all things retro, I just had to be part of the movement :) 

For my first post back it seemed fitting to start with the launch of our newest kaftan, "The Stephanie"! From blogger, to fashion, what's old is always new again!


Pearl Turban (old style, but lots of great options here)
Pearl Rhintestrone Heart Earrings ($32.00 and perfect for Valentine's Day)
Pearl Bracelets ($24.00 for 3)


design + development by kelly christine studio