May 23, 2019


I strongly believe in investing in your bed.  Seeing as we spend 1/3 of our life sleeping (how crazy is that?!), I would say it's worth it!  When James and I were first married, we purchased a new mattress and bedding; neither of us had previously spent money in this department and could not believe the difference we felt in our bed.  I remember asking people on social media for brand recommendations, and after responses came flooding in, I realized there was only one place to go - Bloomingdales.  It was there that I met their sales associate, Minn, who knows more about linens than anyone I have ever met.  She asked me all the right questions and guided me through everything from pillow choice based upon what position we slept in, all the way to which monogram I wanted on everything (yes, Bloomingdales offers monogramming!).  Fast forward six years. and Bloomingdales (and my girl Minn) is still my go-to for luxury bedding.  

Although my home is filled with bright colors, when it comes to our bedroom, I decided to keep things neutral.  I love an all-white, serene sleeping enviornment but recently wanted to try adding in a bit of color.  Our curtains are a minty green toile, so when I saw Frette's "Deco Fan" in the same shade, I was sold.  The room still feels tranquil, but adding more color brought a warmth to it that was absent before.  

Before we had Lawrence, I would always dream of a big, cozy bed that the whole family (our dog, Snickers, included) could pile into and watch a movie, and that dream is finally coming true! Every morning after L wakes up, we get into my bed  (which he can now crawl into via the bench at the end!), turn on Sesame Street, and cuddle while he has his morning bottle. It is my favorite, most sacred part of the day, and I am happy it takes place in a beautiful, comfortable bed - thanks Bloomingdales! 

P.S. If I could give you one tip when purchasing your bedding, it would be SATEEN COTTON.  Major game changer! 

Brought to you by Bloomingdales 


design + development by kelly christine studio