September 17, 2016


One of my all-time favorite stores is Century 21, and I must admit that I am VERY lucky that there is one just 10 minutes from my house.  For those of you that don't share that luxury with me, I am happy to let you know that their online shopping selection is AMAZING!  Imagine your favorite brands all in one place...and discounted...and you can shop them while wearing pajamas on your couch with a glass of wine... Dreams do come true, ladies!

I compiled a wish list of my most favorite items, which was a mistake for my bank account because I now want everything.  I mean, can we discuss that Pucci scarf?!  On top of that, I had been searching for a perfect pink handbag ever since I purchased my pink Christian Louboutin's over a year ago, and now, thanks to Century 21, I have found it - #ohmywordfendi!  This entire wish list of retro perfection was difficult to stop adding to because the selection is just that good.

I hope you all have a great weekend and feel so much more excited about online shopping than you ever did before...because I know I do!

(from left to right)


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