August 31, 2015

"Your Mountain Is Waiting, So Get On Your Way." - Dr. Seuss

As a child, I would travel to Colorado Springs every summer to visit my grandparents. They had retired there because my grandfather wanted to be close to the Air Force Academy (he was a Colonel), and they had both grown up nearby. The memories I have in Colorado Springs are priceless; I truly had the best grandparents in the world, and they always made my time there with them extremely special.  Seeing as my husband had never visited a place that I hold so dear to my heart, I thought our summer vacation would be our perfect opportunity to change that! We had a fabulous time, and I highly recommend visiting there - the vistas in Colorado are like no other.
 Here is a breakdown of the favorite things that we did there:
Where we stayed: The Broadmoor Hotel 
Favorite places to eat: Golden Bee (you sing throughout the entire meal; need I say more???), Ristorante Del Lago
What to see: Garden of the Gods (stop for lunch
at Crystal Park Cantina for the BEST Mexican food ever), United States Air Force Academy
Hope you all are enjoying your summer too!
Necklace: TJ Maxx
Bag: YSL (old)
Shoes: Manolo Blahnik (old)
To shop the rest of this look, and similar styles, click HERE


design + development by kelly christine studio