May 26, 2021


One of my favorite things to do in life is entertain, which I am SO excited to get back into (and will never take from granted again) !  I'm not the best cook, but I sure can set a table (if I do say so myself).  Today I am teaming up with, the one and only, Walmart to bring you a little retro meets Amalfi citrus situation in the form of a table setting! Some of my most treasured decor has been purchased from Walmart's home selection (remember these end tables that we sold-out twice?!) and they are currently stocked and ready to roll with the most fun items to make your summer scape mighty easy on the eyes! 

Me contemplating my next luncheon

Decided Theme: Citrus 

This is me excited about how it all turned out!

Now for some pool time!

Thank you Walmart for partnering on this post

design + development by kelly christine studio