January 29, 2018


As you all know, our pregnancy journey was not the easiest, but after going through our first round of IVF on March 17th a miracle happened -- we became pregnant with our little angel baby.  James Lawrence Weichert (named after my husband, my husband's dad, and my dad who is Lars) arrived at 3:00 pm on December 8, 2017 and completed our lives.

 I can't believe how fast these past eight weeks have flown by--and I am so excited to return to my blog. As I sit here typing this, my little Lawrence is content in his swing listening to lullabies.  I feel very fortunate that I am able to do what I love and still be at home with my baby (or shall I say, my new boss).  

Hello baby...

Photos by the amazingly talented Lindsay Madden Photography 


design + development by kelly christine studio