November 8, 2017


So, one of the many things I have been thinking about as I approach the birth of our son is (are you ready for my shallowness?) what to pack for the hospital!  I have been told by most people to pack comfortable clothing that I won't care about getting ruined, but you can imagine how hard this would be for me!  As much as I realize that childbirth isn't a time for glamour, I kept going to back to the challenge of finding a look that provides comfort while still making me feel beautiful when I meet the love of my life!  Enter above outfit.  I received this stunning pearl embellished robe in a size large, which allows for extra coverage when I have visitors, but also allows for easy access when breastfeeding (should that be one's choice!).  I paired the robe with black leggings underneath and a velvet turban (the turban is must since you might not have time to wash your hair).  For $28.00 this robe solved my packing problems, and it will feel amazing to feel a bit like myself after I experience the most important event in my life.

Velvet Turban (also love it in this color)
Black Leggings (currently on sale for $11.40)

Brought to you by Shein


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