September 25, 2016


I hope you all had a great weekend!  It finally felt like Fall here in New Jersey, and I took full advantage - sipping pumpkin coffee, shopping for mums, burning my Nest "Pumpkin Chai" candles in every room, watching football, enjoying an outdoor fire, and drinking some Octoberfest brew!  That's a perfect weekend in my book!
Today's post consists of items that are either on sale or under $100.
With this crisp weather upon us and a trip to Vermont in two weeks, I'm thinking that I need that buffalo check skirt, along with the entire outfit that goes with it!  I also just bought those black pants, and they have become my ABSOLUTE favorite pair for Fall.  They won't be on sale for much longer, so I would jump on the opportunity (same goes for the red/turquoise earrings).  
I'm sure I will have ordered nearly all of these outfits by the time I post this on Instagram later...The shopping struggle is real!


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