December 1, 2015

12 Days of Lisi Lerch

If you aren't on Instagram yet, today is the day to join, as I am SO excited to be kicking off the first day of the "12 Days of Lisi Lerch" collaborative Instagram giveaway with designer Sail to Sable.  One of our followers will have the chance to win these amazing red "Tassel Earring" and beautiful "Red Festive and Feathers" dress that I am wearing in these photos - a perfectly chic, preppy outfit for the holiday season! I mean, tassels and feathers... does it GET any better?!
Entry requirments are as follows:
On Instagram:
1- Like this picture
2- Follow @lisilerch
3- Follow @teggyfrench
4- Follow @sailtosable
5- Tag 2 friends in the comments section
Giveaway ends in 24 hours
Good luck everyone!  


design + development by kelly christine studio